Don't you just love summer nights? I decided to stop thinking so much about my blog and what I post and just go with the flow and try to combine the things I love the most in the hope of creating something half interesting.
Anyway, we've been having one of the best summer's in centuries/30years (I've heard both!) here in Sweden and there's been a lot of swimming, nights on the balcony and plenty of weekend trips to summer houses and other assorted activities. Last weekend I walked part of the Ridge to Ridge trail (Ås till Åsleden) trail here in the county of
Skåne, in southern Sweden. The trail is part of
Skåneleden, a series of four subtrails which are joined together in a common trailsystem. We covered roughly 55km of the trail between Röstånga and Åstorp and I have to say I had no idea there was anything like this in Skåne. The majority of our first day was spent hiking through
Söderåsens National Park.
"It is a diverse park with mixed deciduous forests, mighty screes, high cliffs, flowing streams and wide views."